Friday 10 April 2015

A first time Emcee

A very late post.

Just want to share my experience as a first time emcee at Rudaini Beaute Launch in November last year. This is my first time as an emcee, never in my life time and out of nowhere Rita Rudaini asked me to be the emcee for her event at the Royale Chulan KL.

Like seriously?? Beraninya dia take a risk for choosing me as the emcee. Yes, I am her cousin but the emcee is one of the most important role at the event, especially like this event with all the VVIPs and reporters. Mula-mula saya menolak, tapi setelah dipujuk dipaksa saya terima tawaran tersebut dan anggap ianya satu peluang dan cabaran buat saya. Konsep kugagahi jua namanya J.

A week before the event, I did some research on the internet about emcee-ing. Well, I’m very sure Mr Google can help me. Just type “a first time emcee tips”, “sample emcee script” bla bla whatever you want on the web search engine – which only partly helpful.
So I prepared the script as simple as possible and straight to the point (no joke in the between as I am not good at joke) kang punch line tak sampai…*krik krik*.  

2 or 3 days before the event, saya dah cuak and panic, memang saya rasa kerja gila ni..mau pengsan tiba-tiba kat stage tu nanti. I called my sister and asked her whether she can help me or find someone else who is more capable than me to be an emcee. There were good and bad news, she said her husband (well my BIL) can replace me BUT he was not feeling well and if he still not recover on the event day I have no choice but to do the job by myself. Hari2 saya doakan abang ipar saya cepat sembuh, rasanya saya lagi byk berdoa utk abg ipar saya cepat sembuh, compare to his wife.

Well, to cut it short, memang nasib saya tak baik and baik pada hari tersebut. Tak baik sebab my BIL masih belum sihat on that date dan saya terpaksa juga menjadi emcee dan baiknya sebab saya tak pengsan masa jadi emcee untuk perasmian Rudaini Beaute pada hari tersebut. Alhamdulillah, the event went smooth and honestly, I am proud of myself (I’m not comparing myself with other emcees). Kira pencapaian diri sendiri.

Here some pictures of the event and a testimonial too :) 

 with my eldest sister and Rita Rudaini

 Pengasas Rudaini Beaute, Rita Rudaini bersama Datrin Seri Nor Aswana Omar (Isteri kepada YAB Dato' Seri Azlan B Man)

The products - Rudaini Beaute Skin care, Angel Mask and LuvMyCoffee


 Emcee Testimonial :)

Saya juga agent Rudaini Beaute, so contact me if you interested to get the products. 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Farm In the City

Duduk KL ni pening kepala jugak la memikir nak buat aktiviti dgn anak-anak. Saya pulak jenis yg tak suka bawak anak-anak ke shopping mall (well, maknya mmg suka ke shopping mall but not with the kids) teruk mak ni!!..hahaha, for me I don't see any benefit to them, buat penat kejar diaorg ja dalam mall..pastu duit habis utk makan2 and minum "overprice" coffee and definitively for impulse purchases. (itu I la, mmg takleh nak kawal nafsu tu bila kat mall..thehe).

So last month I decided to bring them to Farm in the City at Seri Kembangan and off course it is also incurred a cost of money but it is better to buy experience instead of buy things. kan??

Beza Farm in the City ni dengan zoo kita boleh pegang & main2 dgn lebih dekat. Tak banyak sangat gambar yang ambik sebab phone dah low battery. Haishh..kecewa. :(

My elder son, Ihsahn punya la excited..abis kambing dipeluknya. It was really fun for all of us, tp biasa la mmg penat sebab bawak anak kecik ni..sorang baru 3 tahun and sorang setahun lebih..kitaorg spent time kat situ about 4 hours ja kot..kira ok la utk budak2 ni nak mengenal haiwan2 kampung (mak tak larat nak). Apa-apa pun mmg enjoy and the kids pun happy. Boleh la nk bwk anak2 kalau dah kering idea nk ke mana during the weekend or public holiday. 

Ni harga tiket utk masuk ke Farm in the City :

Ticket Price : Credit picture to
*Children below 12 years old
**Citizen above 60 years old
***Body height below 90cm FOC.

Antara gambar2 yang sempat diambil dengan phone yang battery nyawa2 ikan. :(

Apa-apa pun make sure lepas main and pegang2 binatang2 kat situ basuh tangan, bawak la hand sanitizer atau boleh cuci kat situ mmg setiap sudut ada tempat cuci tangan. Jangan takut nak dedahkan anak2 dengan pengalaman yang mcm ni sebab takut jangkitan kuman dan sebagainya, tapi pastikan kebersihan tu dijaga dan yang paling penting jaga sistem immunity badan diaorang supaya tak mudah terkena penyakit. Anak2 seawal setahun dah boleh bagi diaorang supplement, ini antara supplement wajib harian untuk anak-anak saya :-

Ihsahn (3+ tahun )
  • Mealshake Shaklee - 1 Scoop sehari
  • Chewable Vitalea Shaklee - 1 biji sehari
  • Omega Guard Shaklee - 2 -3 biji seminggu
  • Chewable Vitamin C Shaklee- 2 -3 kali seminggu

Zara (1+ tahun)
  • Mealshake Shaklee - 1 Scoop sehari
  • Chewable Vitamin C Shaklee- 1 biji sehari

Do contact me for consultancy if you are interested to know about Shaklee Supplement :) 
ALA | 019-297 8508